How do you maximize the final days before your launch and convince people to sign up for your offer?
In this episode, we are discussing how to maximize the time right before your launch.
From engaging with your audience via email and social media, adding last minute incentives, to handling their objections – there are many things you can do to “bring them over the line”.
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3 Big Take Aways
- How to engage your audience right before the launch
- How to use incentives for your final push
- How to address & handle last objections
- Paul & Melissa’s Inner Circle – The Inner Circle with Paul & Melissa Pruitt is an epic 12-month experience for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners who aspire to create financial freedom and a lifestyle they want for themselves and their family and also create a positive impact in their community and the world.
Adaptive Membership – Adaptive Membership is an exclusive opportunity for online business owners, coaches, course creators, and membership site owners to play bigger and bolder in their business and explode their bank account with more clients!
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Melissa: All right. So I want to get to Cathy if you're still here, Cathy.
Cathy: “My cart closes tomorrow.” Yay. I want to hear about that.
“Ideas for great things to do in this final push something to notice during my launches, I tend to forget that I have a day job and my plans always vastly exceed my time.
Would love thoughts on best things to prioritize.”
So Cathy, tell us where you're at. I know we were chatting too. So where are you at?
Cathy: I have so far eight founding members and my goal was 10. So I'm and I still have my cart closes tomorrow at midnight, so I'm cautiously optimistic, but I ever it's what seems to happen every weekend is that over the weekend, I'll like do a ton of work and then I'll make these grand plans for the week. And I don't have my day job on Monday and I'll like start things on Monday and be like, cool, this is great. I'm totally on track. And then like Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday hits. And I'm like,
Oh, Oh right. I have a whole,I have a whole day job that I am, that is taking up a lot of my time and I cannot. And I like, for some reason, I just always expect myself to be able to do the same amount on a day that I am working my day job as I do on my days off. And so I had grand plans for this week that some of them may be happened, but I am trying to kind of just prioritize what to do in these last couple days.
I had this, I have, I have done no ads, anything I have not touched pixels, so I don't have any of that set up. And that's going to be a layer that I bring in the next launch. But any other thoughts for things that I can,things that I can do to, I don't know, like get the word out.
Any sort of like engagement ideas, any, yeah. Any ideas at all. I wasn't coming to the collective wisdom of this group.
Paul: Open up to everybody. If you can use the participants button, then hit the raise hand. There we go. Okay.
Melissa: So Carrie,
Carrie: My advice to you is just make sure you do at least three emails on that last day. And you know, don't I, at this point, I'm not worried about getting new people in, cause it's a little hard to get them all converted all the way over, but take those ones you are and, you know, be con you know,make sure you've got those emails going out and they will they'll convert. Right?
But people just need to need to read them and need to know who you are.
Melissa: Alright. Good. Good. Thank you.
Paul: Anyone else?
Melissa: There's para
Para: So I mean, I don't exactly know what the product or what your subscription is, so I can't quite so could you just quickly tell me?
Cathy: Yeah. So it's an online writing center for ADHD writers and I, and so this is a founding member launch. So the, the writing center itself does not exist yet, but the planned deliverables are monthly master classes on both craft and process for ADHD folks, interviews with industry experts.
So I'm in New York city and I'm reasonably connected to the literary community. So bringing in authors, editors, et cetera, co-writing sessions with people in the community towe can just kind of almost mimic that coffee house atmosphere of holding each other accountable just by being present.
And then there was a fourth deliverable and I haven't slept in three days. So I don't remember what the fuck..
Paul: Does anybody else relate to that?
Cathy: The, Oh gosh. It's something. Awesome. it'll pop into my head and like three seconds. I'll just let you talk and then
Para: Yeah you blurt it out. I think, I don't know if you've already done this, but I would think you just answered your own question. I would take one of your deliverables and do it like now. Like I would go and ask somebody to do a, like a quick little interview.
Now. I don't know if you've done that yet. Or if that was something that you were pulling people in with like surprise bonus, I'm going to do an interview with the dah and, and then, and then, you know, of course, but the link in there, but if you, if you're looking for little mini pushes or little mini things like that, I would just go to what they are that you already currently have. And, and use, use that as a carrot.
Cathy: I remember the other one, it was coaching, it was group coaching. So that's actually something that I could do is just bring on one of my friends and do a live coaching session that people can see.
Para: That's awesome. It's like, people want to watch that and that's why they're going to you as, as part of that whole deal. So you just do that just a quick little one. Doesn't have to be super long people like short things anyways.
And I don't know, I just, I would think that anything that you're already doing is just don't reinvent the wheel as everybody always says, right. Just try to grab what you already have and, and just push that out there with them. But it sounds like you're already doing great.
Cathy: It's awesome.
Para: I have ADD, so I'm not a writer, but I do, I do a lot of illustrations and of course, stuff like that, but anyways, I can relate to that. So I know he has 100%. My brain is like a squirrel, like constantly, it's just going. So I get it, but it sounds like you're doing an amazing job.
Cathy: Thank you.
Melissa: So Suzanne has her hand raised.
Suzanne: Hey, thanks for the challenge, Cathy and congratulations on your founder's launch. So ADHD is very common in my household and also I just missed signing up for something that I was in. And then I couldn't do the last couple of days of the challenge.
And then it was like,what it's closed? What, what? And so I would really take advantage of that and I'd laugh about the ADHD culture. And I would say, Hey guys, I know you got 50 things going, but I'm just going to show up in your inbox a lot over the next couple of days. Cause I know you want to join me.
And I know that maybe you have a lot of things going, but just go ahead and press the button now. And let's get the process started almost like a quick Facebook live or a quick message live that just says, “Hey, I know you don't want to miss this. Don't pass it up or you'll have to wait six more months, come on, be my partner that kind of”
you know, cause they'll want to,and then they'll go, “Oh man, I missed it.” And you could even use that and say, I don't want you to feel that way. So that's my 2 cents. Cathy. Good luck.
Paul: Love that.
Cathay: Thank you.
Mona: Yeah. I, congratulations. I think, I mean, there's a niche for everything. there's a niche for everything. That's so awesome.
One of the things that I learned from some people that are smarter than me is that when you do that interview,have them asking questions that handled the objections. One of those things like I'm ADHD, I can't even handle what I've got. I'm I can't work online or whatever, like addressing that. So it doesn't even have to be somebody that has, you know, just somebody that's interviewing you that you know, is a good interview that we'll talk back and forth, but ideally it would be somebody that knows your stuff.
And so just to address their objections and, you know, as always to speak to the result, the result that they want to have, like help dream that, You know, you can do this, you know, ADHD doesn't mean element Oop, when it comes to a lot of that data,
whatever your line is. Congratulations.
Paul: Yeah.
Cathy: Thank you.
Mona: The work is done my dear.
Cathy: I felt like, I felt like dr. Frankenstein, like it's alive!
Mona: and then all of a sudden it's like, crap,these people want something now. You can do it. You can do it. Cause you it's already in your heart to do it. Yep. Turning your heart.Congratulations.
Cathy: Thank you.
Melissa: And I see Lea has her hand raised.
Lea: hi, Cathy. Yeah. So well done congratulations. sounds like a really good job. So what I see people do is wait until the end and then the last day, or right before the last day, they come up with their over the top last extra bonus. And they add that to the offer just to get the last people over the line.
So I don't know if you already did that or maybe you have something that you can up a notch. You just give that on the last day and you get, everybody rallied up like around some kind of life. Maybe you can get them into another life. Right. And do all the other tips that the other people are saying.
And then you just tell them, well, I have this extra, extra incentive for you and it's this bonus and it's so great. And if you take this offer, now you get this extra bonus, you know, you build something around that. So yeah. That's my tip. Good luck.
Melissa: Awesome. Yeah. So we do something called “Around the world”. So this is where it's, This is all in, right. And I know with time, but as all in, as much as you could can do, but this is basically where you go around your social media world and, you know, from channel to channel.
So like when we do this, we'll you would usually go into any Facebook group, Facebook pages, Instagram stories, I'll take over his Instagram and do Instagram stories on his, like, and just go just around the world and all the different, the different platforms, just to encourage remind, encourage, remind. And, and if you're able to do that. I mean, it definitely once, if you can go to all the channels,
at least once, if you can do it more than once, that's always great, you know, just, just a reminder, but it just kind of going around the world. Same message. And it can get exhausting, but just finish strong, positive energy. You're going to get, you're going to get those two.
I think you're going to get more than those last year. Your you're like, I mean, you're already like, it's awesome. So, but that around the world with hitting all your channels and just, and then repeat again and repeat again. All right.
Paul: First, I want to congratulate you because we've been coming up to New York the last couple of years and hanging out with Cathy and this has been an idea and we've, we've sat down many times and it's just so exciting. I'm just so happy for you. This is great. Like it's coming to life, which is really, really awesome. So, you know, I think a lot of us think like, there's this, like she's having her founding member launch right at this moment. And this is something she's had.
That's been like brewing there for a while now. So it's just like, it's exciting to see that those lasting emails, you know, that were already talked about. Typically we do the first one that goes out early in the morning is normally that additional bonus email that we do, but we don't just talk about the new bonus. We then recap all the bonuses.
So you do the announcement of the new bonus, but then you give them the opportunity to some of the people might not have gone to your sales page, not have seen all the bonuses. So we take that and we actually double dip that email, like get them excited and curious, and like with the new bonuses, get them to open the email.
And then we explain what that is, but they're like, Oh, by the way, here, now the one thing that we want little marketing nugget here that we've noticed that all the influencers do and we do it as well within each bonus, we also have the call to action link. So here's this bonus, blah, blah, blah. And here's why it's important.
Always remember the “why it's important”. And then there's a link for them. Like if that's the bonus that gets them excited, they can click the link and go sign up on the sales page right now. Like they'll have to scroll anywhere else. They could do it right then, you know, that might be the one.
Now the second email we normally send out in the middle of the day, like around three o'clock and that's normally an FAQ and really that's the, what are all the objections that would hold them back from making the step right now? And we do that as an FAQ email, frequently asked questions and it might come across like,
Hey, we've been getting a lot of questions about our program and then they open it up and then we do boom, boom, boom, handle all their limiting beliefs, all their objections, as far as what would stop them from, from taking this action, both of those emails, as well as the last one that we do all has urgency and scarcity in it because it ends tonight. This is the last chance, you know, the price goes up, the bonuses disappear. The opportunity is not again available until next year. Like what, you know, just singling in those.
And we always go back to a PS and summarize up what the whole email is about and loop back. So they get all the way down to that and see your signature PS. Don't forget we added the new bonuses and all the other bonuses and the disappears tonight,
click here to go there. You know? So we kind of like, no matter what the email says, we, we summarize it in the PS to kind of loop them right back to remind them very quickly, like one, two sentences to take that action. And then the last one is just pure scarcity and urgency, tick tock, time's up, you know, do miss out, you know, those types of things. And that, that last one.
Other than that, the last thing I wanted to say is that when we, when all of us are doing these sounding number launches and we're not dealing with the like, Oh, there's 20,000 people on my Facebook live, you know, type things we can take off this internet marketing hat and throw it away for a moment, go back to being human for a moment and actually do unscalable activities.
And that is reaching out and having direct conversations with anybody that's engaged during our launch at all in an actual one-to-one conversation. If you had the time, I know you, I know you're you're, you know, but that could be for, for me, like I, my daily social media is 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes in the afternoon, 15 minutes at the end of the day. That's all the time I spend on social media.
And that's why some of you guys, when you tag me in a post, I don't see it for a couple of hours. Sorry, but that's how I keep my sanity, you know? And because otherwise the newsfeed does not end ever.
I tried, I've tried.
Melissa: And with that scalable thing, and this is all comfort level and also time. But like, you know, the unscalable, like you could have your phone number on there. If you have a question texts, if you want you to text me, you know, like I said, it's comfort level, comfort level.
And,but you know, like that's like the stuff where you would have that extra. Cause it's usually they just have those extra questions, you know? those last little extra questions just to kind of help them move forward with, with that. So, yeah. Yay. Will you let us know how you like you, Let us know how you end up.
Yeah, I will. I will absolutely keep everybody posted
Melissa: Yay. Awesome
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